What Is It Like Working In A Clothing Store?

690528A6-CE6D-4CBC-BB74-6539B931DE1FI love fashion and putting an outfit together, and therefore it was an obvious decision to work with clothes!

I have worked in George Clothing for nearly 6 months now and it has pushed me and challenged me 100%. I am fully trained and know a lot such as answering the telephone, organsing the shop floor (sizing, making sure it is in the correct place and neat), bringing out new stock, dealing with purcashes, refunds & exchanges, locking up, cashing off the tills and making sure the changing rooms are of a good standard. I have been faced with many challenges and different types of people. Although it can be very tiring and physically draining, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

99% of customers are lovely and make my job enjoyable, but there will always be the 1% that will try and make your job difficult! I always try to remain professional because there is no point in being rude, although some people do push my buttons!

I can confidently say that from working in a clothing store has made me want a future career in fashion and it is a goal of mine, whether its a Stylist or running my own clothing store. I love seeing how fast the industry is changing; I have been able to see a bit of the autumn collection, winter collection and now spring/summer collection. It is interesting to see how fast it changes and what is popular in the fashion world.

If you want to work in George, I recommend it! It has been a great experience for me and has taught me a LOT about dealing with people and using different types of technology – if you want challenges, this is for you.